The former HMS WELLINGTON was dressed overall to welcome onboard our Patron, HRH The Princess Royal, for a special Gala Dinner to mark the 90th anniversary of her launch in May 1934.

The Gala dinner was for our Friends of the Wellington, the Ship’s supporters and volunteers who have financially contributed and given many volunteer hours to help secure her future. Their efforts have been pivotal over the last 12 months during a period of maintenance and statutory compliance works as we have geared up to our 90th year.

Friends of the WELLINGTON 90th anniversary Gala Dinner attended by the Wellington Trust Patron Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal

Caption: HRH The Princess Royal, Patron of the Wellington Trust, and Alastair Chapman, Chairman of the Wellington Trust enjoy meeting Friends of the Wellington  on 14th May 2024.

After a reception on the quarterdeck, HRH The Princess Royal was escorted to the Courtroom to join 120 friends and supporters.  After Grace by the Reverend Reginald Sweet, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous dinner of Hot Smoked Salmon and Beetroot, perfect Beef Wellington and a Passion Fruit Pannacotta.

After dinner, the Wellington Trust Chairman Alastair Chapman spoke about the last year and the ship’s transition to securing her future. Friends of the Wellington Chairman Glyn Evans then spoke of WELLINGTON'S history and her importance to the merchant navy community.  In response to both, HRH The Princess Royal spoke of the significance and uniqueness of Wellington’s history and survival, thanked all the volunteers for their efforts in preserving her for the future, and acknowledged the importance of WELLINGTON being in the City of London.

Membership of Friends of the Wellington is open to anyone with a keen interest in maritime history and the importance of the former HMS WELLINGTON. To find out more, please visit our website:

To support the Wellington Trust’s conservation efforts, consider donating to our 90th anniversary GoFundMe appeal.  All donations will be gratefully received.